Lucas Ryan
is LucasRyanimated
Illustration for Scene Missing's Star Wars themed show.
Illustration for Scene Missing's Star Wars themed show.
Caricature of a Scene Missing performer for Star Wars themed show
Illustration for Scene Missing's Star Wars themed show.
Scene Missing art and title design in a Steven Universe-inspired style
Scene Missing performer cartooned in a Steven Universe inspired style
Scene Missing performer cartooned in a Steven Universe inspired style
Scene Missing art and title design in a Steven Universe-inspired style
Silly Symphonies-inspired performer art for Scene Missing.
Alice in Wonderland-inspired performer art for Scene Missing
Jungle Book-inspired performer art for Scene Missing
Silly Symphonies-inspired performer art for Scene Missing.
House of Cards-inspired performer caricatures for Scene Missing
Daredevil-inspired performer caricature for Scene Missing
Bojack Horseman-inspired performer caricatures for Scene Missing
House of Cards-inspired performer caricatures for Scene Missing
Labyrinth-inspired performer caricature for Scene Missing
Neverending Story-inspired performer caricature for Scene Missing
Illustration and title design for Scene Missing ATLabyrinth
Labyrinth-inspired performer caricature for Scene Missing
Performer caricature for Scene Missing's Game of Thrones themed show
Performer caricature for Scene Missing's Game of Thrones themed show
Event art with caricatures and title design for Scene Missing's Game of Thrones themed show
Performer caricature for Scene Missing's Game of Thrones themed show
Caricatures of the three hosts from Song Missing's Johnny Cash themed show
Performer caricature for Song Missing's Johnny Cash-themed show
Event art and title design for Song Missing's Johnny Cash-themed show
Caricatures of the three hosts from Song Missing's Johnny Cash themed show
Performer caricature for Scene Missing's Kubrick themed show
Performer caricature for Scene Missing's Kubrick themed show
Performer caricature for Scene Missing's Kubrick themed show
Performer caricature for Scene Missing's Kubrick themed show